Portrait of a Graduate Competency Rubrics

Think Critically

Performance Area

  • Critical Thinking: Information & Discovery


  • CT1: I provide a thorough description of the concept, theme or problem.
  • CT 2: I explain why the concept, theme, or problem are relevant or necessary.
  • CT 3: I ask thought-provoking questions (why, what if, how, etc.) and/or organize information that builds a knowledge base for the concept, theme, or problem.
  • CT 4: I can conduct independent extended research using multiple, credible sources. )

Performance Area

  • Critical Thinking: Interpretation and Analysis


  • CT 5: I independently locate and use information from multiple sources to build background knowledge.
  • CT 6: I can identify multiple sources with differing points of view and infer why the sources have those viewpoints.
  • CT 7: I can clearly explain different points of view, the “why” behind the point of view, and why it challenges my point of view.
  • CT 8: I can identify all relevant information, and can recognize when irrelevant (i.e., unrelated; unimportant) evidence is introduced.
  • CT 9: I use relevant information and reasoning to solve a problem.

Performance Area

  • Critical Thinking: Reasoning


  • CT 10: I explain assumptions (what I believe, but have not proven) about the about the concept, theme, or problem; I justify assumptions with documented evidence.
  • CT 11: I communicate inferences from the inquiry/research experience that connect to prior learning.

Performance Area

  • Critical Thinking: Problem Solving and Solution Finding


  • CT 12: I can transfer my ideas to another problem or circumstance.
  • CT 13: When using systems thinking in problem solving, I can define if the system is in equilibrium or is changing. I can explain how the system interacts with another system.
  • CT 14: I reflect and refine my ideas and follow through by implementing the improvement.

Performance Area

  • Critical Thinking: Constructing Arguments


  • CT 15: I state my claim about the inquiry question in an articulate and convincing way.
  • CT 16: I select evidence that supports my claim and points out strengths and limitations of the claim in a manner that anticipates possible biases.
  • CT 17: I distinguish the knowledgeable claim from alternate or opposing claims.
  • CT 18: I establish and maintain a formal style and an objective tone.
  • CT 19: I establish the significance of alternate or opposing claims.
  • CT 20: I organize reasons and evidence in a well-organized, logically sequenced order, that avoids a formulaic style.

Performance Area

  1. Critical Thinking: Self-Regulation & Reflection


  • CT 21: I monitor my progress/process, adjusting and using resources as necessary, or I reflect and report on ways to improve.

Solve Creatively

Performance Area

  • Creativity: Idea Generation


  • CR1: I participate in a brainstorming process that generates a high volume of ideas.
  • CR 2: I approach idea generation by examining ideas in unexpected ways, generating options that are unusual and novel, asking questions that lead to more questions, OR evaluating, “Is my idea really new?”

Performance Area

  • Creativity: Idea Design & Refinement


  • CR 3: I effectively use organizational techniques (categorization, prioritization, and classification, etc.) to evaluate ideas.
  • CR 4: I use the results of organization to select an idea and provide a clear reason for the decision.
  • CR 5: I review feedback, translate feedback into logical “next steps,” and make revisions that improve the quality of the idea.

Performance Area

  • Creativity: Openness and Courage to Explore


  • CR 6: I am curious, flexible, and open to uncertainty in exploring ideas.
  • CR 7: I can communicate a clear vision of the end product or performance.
  • CR 8: I persevere until I succeed.
  • CR 9: I overcome a failure by showing resilience. I can use failure to learn and move forward.
  • CR 10: I take calculated risks, and articulate the risk/reward of my decision.

Performance Area

  • Creativity: Work Creatively with Others


  • CR 11: I initiate collaboration as an “idea leader.”
  • CR 12: I communicate my ideas and provide feedback to others to improve the process/product.
  • CR 13: I connect ideas and build upon others’ ideas to generate new and unique insights.

Performance Area

  • Creativity: Creative Production & Innovation


  • CR 14: I use ideas to create a unique, original, or imaginative product or performance that is directly related to the concept, theme, or problem.
  • CR 15: I can explain the process I used to create my product/performance.
  • CR 16: My product influences an audience beyond school.

Performance Area

  • Creativity: Self-Regulation & Reflection


  • CR 17: I analyze and reflect upon my own creativity and innovation.

Collaborate Effectively

Performance Area

  • Collaboration: Leadership & Initiative


  • COL 1: I provide leadership by helping others in the group understand the goal and importance of the group’s work.
  • COL 2: I lead and help organize the work, check on progress, or provide focus and direction for the task, project, or challenge.
  • COL 3: I share leadership. I know when to lead and when to follow.

Performance Area

  • Collaboration: Cooperation 


  • COL 4: I work to address challenges in the group through discussion and consensus-building activities.

Performance Area

  • Collaboration: Flexibility


  • COL 5: I can compare and contrast diverse ideas and opinions shared by group members.
  • COL 6: I challenge ideas and processes by presenting alternatives.
  • COL 7: I consistently show a willingness to support the best idea based on the information exchanged.

Performance Area

  • Collaboration: Responsibility & Productivity


  • COL 8: I show enthusiasm about the group’s work, and motivate the group.
  • COL 9: I know when to help and when to allow others to solve their own problem.
  • COL 10: I am well-prepared for group work; I complete all individual action items on time.
  • COL 11: My product exceeds the requirements.
  • COL 12: I make sufficient corrections and adjustments to the progress when needed, and provide suggestions that can assist others in their work.

Performance Area

  • Collaboration: Using Digital Media


  • COL 13: I show awareness of the range of current technological tools available and how they can be used for collaboration. (ISTE ad, 4b, 3c, 6a, 7a) (11-12SL2)
  • COL 14: I use technology selected to complete tasks and co-create digitally, increasing the group’s productivity. I confidently collaborate using technological tools. (ISTE 2b) (11-12SL2) (8W.6)

Performance Area

  • Collaboration: Constructive Feedback


  • COL 15: I consistently provide constructive feedback to my group. (8SL1.c) (11-12SL1.b)(ISTE 1c, 2b, 7b)
  • COL 16: I use constructive feedback to improve my work and the work of the group.

Performance Area

  • Collaboration: Self-Reflection & Group Evaluation


  • COL 17: I provide leadership by helping others in the group understand the goal and importance of the group’s work.
  • COL 18: I provide leadership by helping others in the group understand the goal and importance of the group’s work.

Communicate Clearly

Performance Area

  • Communication: Engaging in Conversations & Discussions


  • COM 1: I utilize effective interpersonal skills (listening, questioning, body-language, feedback) during conversations to build and maintain positive working relationships with collaborators.
  • COM 2: I ask questions or make statements to enhance the collective understanding of the concept, theme, or problem, and help the collaborators think more deeply about the discussion topic.
  • COM 3: I participate in the discussion using diplomacy, without becoming argumentative or defensive.
  • COM 4: I deliver feedback in a respectful manner.
  • COM 5: I am consistently positive during collaboration. I value others’ opinions and ideas.

Performance Area

  • Communication: Using Digital Communication Tools


  • COM 6: I consistently develop a clear and concise message when communicating digitally.
  • COM 7: I consistently communicate effectively using digital tools that are appropriate to task, audience, and purpose. My communication exhibits a level of professionalism and formality.

Performance Area

  • Communication: Effective Listening


  • COM 8: Through actively listening, I make logical inferences and draw conclusions that show my understanding.
  • COM 9: I listen actively by providing verbal or nonverbal feedback to indicate that the message was received and to show understanding.
  • COM 10: I follow guidelines for effective listening (e.g., listens to others with care, speaks one at a time, and “shares the air”).

Performance Area

  • Communication: Communicating in Diverse Environments 


  • COM 11: I show respect for diverse perspectives (e.g., genders, races, cultures, religion, backgrounds).

Performance Area

  • Communication: Delivering Oral Presentations 


  • COM 12: I accurately and confidently answer questions from the audience due to my preparation.
  • COM 13: I communicate in a focused, clear manner with an appropriate amount of evidence.
  • COM 14: I use most of the verbal/nonverbal techniques that are appropriate for task, audience, and purpose. Eye Contact; Posture; Speak Clearly; Volume; Rate of Speech; Intonation; Hand Gestures; Visual Aids (utilize the slides/visual aid, not read the slides/visual aids); Appropriate vocabulary for the topic/subject.
  • COM 15: I incorporate digital media and/or visual aids to enhance audience understanding and add interest.

Performance Area

  • Communication: Self-Regulation & Reflection


  • COM 16: I consistently reflect on the success of my communication. (ISTE 3c)

Act Responsibly

Performance Area

  • Impulse Control
  • Working Memory


  • IC 1: I am thoughtful and considerate of others (feelings, person, belongings, and space).
  • IC 2: I think before acting.
  • IC 3: I think before speaking.
  • IC 4: I resist the urge to say or do something that I know is wrong.
  • IC 5: I do not touch anyone or anything that does not belong to me.
  • IC 6: I stay within my own personal space.
  • IC 7: I know when to listen and when to speak.
  • IC 8: I own my choices and behaviors.
  • WM 1: I use “remembering” strategies to help me recall information.

Performance Area

  1. Critical Thinking: Information & Discovery CT 1
  2. Critical Thinking: Problem Solving & Solution Finding CT 12
  3. Communication: Effective Listening COM 9
  4. Communication: Delivering Oral Presentations COM 12
  5. Collaboration: Leadership & Initiative COL 2
  6. Collaboration: Leadership & Initiative COL 3
  7. Task Initiation (7-10)
  8. Emotional Control (11-13)


  1. CT 1: I clearly define the concept, theme or problem.
  2. CT 12: I explain ideas about how to best understand/solve the concept, theme, or problem. I describe why my ideas make sense and how my ideas can be put into action.
  3. COM 9: I listen actively by providing verbal or nonverbal feedback to indicate that the message was received and to show understanding.
  4. COM 12: I have adequately prepared and rehearsed for the presentation. I feel ready for my presentation.
  5. COL 2: I play an active role in creating the group’s goals and deadlines/timelines.
  6. COL 3:I fulfill my role and my responsibilities.
  7. TI 1: I am a self-starter. I begin a task without prompting.
  8. TI 2: When directed, I stop a previous task and begin a new task.
  9. TI 3: I recognize that something needs to be done.
  10. TI 4: If I’m stuck, I ask for help.
  11. EC 1: I recognize when I’m starting to lose control of my emotions.
  12. EC 2: When I experience difficulty, I know how to “get back on track” and move forward.
  13. EC 3: I maintain emotional control when others act inappropriately.

Performance Area

  • Sustained Attention


  • SA 1: I maintain focus by ignoring distractions (internal or external).
  • SA 2: I maintain focus until there is an appropriate break time.

Performance Area

  • Organization


  • ORG 1: I can keep track of my own things.
  • ORG 2: I have an effective system to organize and access my things.
  • ORG 3: I respect shared spaces and follow rules for my personal belongings.
  • ORG 4: I know what to keep and what to throw away.

Performance Area

  • Creativity: Openness and Courage to Explore 
  • Planning & Prioritization


  • CR 7: I can communicate a clear vision of the end product or performance.
  • PL 1: I create a plan to complete a task and follow through.
  • PL 2: I choose the best idea and go with it.
  • PL 3: I come to class prepared (materials, homework, additional supplies, etc.).
  • PL 4: I come to class on time.
  • PL 5: I identify a starting place for my assignments/projects.
  • PL 6: I use a calendar/agenda to help prioritize and plan activities and studying.

Performance Area

  • Time Management


  • TM 1: I create a plan to complete a task and follow through. 
  • TM 2: I estimate the correct amount of time it takes to complete a task. 
  • TM 3: I break long assignments into chunks. 
  • TM 4: I schedule adequate time to prepare for future tests & assessments. 
  • TM 5: I know my extracurricular life / schedule and plan ahead of time to study or complete work.
  • TM 6: I prepare for the unexpected and don’t procrastinate. 
  • TM 7: I use appropriate amounts of time to complete assignments and do my best work. 

Performance Area

  • Goal-Directed Persistence 


  • GDP 1: I independently maintain focus while working to complete a task. 
  • GDP 2: I create a checklist to complete a goal. 
  • GDP 3: I persist and get a “job” done well. It is my best work. 
  • GDP 4: I show grit, perseverance, and work ethic while working toward a goal. 
  • GDP 5: I complete a goal on time. 

Performance Area(s) 

  • Communication: Engaging in Conversations & Discussions
  • Collaboration: Flexibility
  • Creativity: Openness and Courage to Explore 
  • Flexibility


  • COM 1: I utilize effective interpersonal skills (listening, questioning, body-language, feedback) during conversations to build and maintain positive working relationships with collaborators.
  • COL 5: I can listen to and consider ideas and opinions expressed by group members that are different from my own.
  • COL 6: I challenge ideas and processes, not people. 
  • COL 7: I identify points of agreement and disagreement; I can look at ideas from multiple perspectives. 
  • CR 6: I am comfortable with uncertainty in exploring ideas. 
  • FLX 1: I am able to overcome setbacks and disappointments. 
  • FLX 2: I accept changes in schedules and plans. 
  • FLX 3: I accept constructive feedback from others. 

Performance Area

  • Metacognition & Self-Monitoring


  • MSM 1: I review expectations and directions for the assignment before beginning work. 
  • MSM 2: I review expectations for the assignment and / or correct any mistakes before turning in my work. 
  • MSM 3: I engage in a revision or redesign process. 
  • MSM 4: I ask for help when needed. 
  • MSM 5: I ask clarifying questions when I’m confused. 
  • MSM 6: I pace myself to complete my work. 
  • MSM 7: I reflect on my performance — what I did well, what I could have done better, and what I will do next time to improve. 
  • MSM 8: I am aware of my own thoughts, feelings, intentions, and actions. 
  • MSM 9: I know what I do and say affects others. 
  • MSM 10: I recognize that my choices affect myself and others. I avoid bad choices and act accordingly. 
  • MSM 11: I am able to admit that I don’t know something. 
  • MSM 12: When exposed to new information, I consider prior knowledge and experiences. 
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