Five Class-of-2026 Middle School Students Receive $10,000 College Scholarship Opportunities for Georgia Institutions

Pike County Middle School 8th grade students Lauren Berry, Macey Carlisle, Kaylin Bone, Dazaria Ross, and Telasia Willis have been selected as REACH Scholars for the class of 2026.  These young ladies will join REACH Scholars from across the state of Georgia who demonstrate true academic promise but may need additional support and preparation to obtain a post-secondary degree.

Scholars who complete all program requirements receive up to $10,000 in scholarship funds — $2,500 a year for up to four years to be used at two- or four-year Georgia REACH-eligible institutions. In addition, continuing academic and social support is provided throughout the students’ attainment of the postsecondary degree or certificate; those schools also match (or even double) the scholarships for the students.

Reach serves all 180 school systems in the state of Georgia and more than 3,600 Scholars, committing over $36 million in scholarships.

REACH Scholars have committed to follow a rigorous educational path to be eligible to receive their scholarships upon graduation. They are currently minding the ABCs of nationally recognized early success indicators which include:

  • Attending school regularly
  • Maintaining good behavior
  • Preparing to succeed in post-secondary school as reflected in good course performance

Additionally, REACH scholars have experienced the power of advocacy in meeting regularly with their mentor and academic coach.

To date, REACH Georgia has graduated five classes of high school seniors. The graduating classes of 2017~2021 consist of over 500 scholars. These students have had an average final GPA of 3.4, and 80% of the scholars were eligible to receive either the HOPE or Zell Miller Scholarship in addition to the REACH Georgia Scholarship.

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  • 7454 Hwy 19 South, Zebulon, GA, 30295
  • Call: 770-567-8489