Local Wellness Policy

Descriptor Code: EEE-R

The Superintendent or designee will oversee local school compliance with federal guidelines

regarding local school wellness policy requirements contained in Section 204 of Public Law

108-265, Child Nutrition, WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 and Section 204 of Public Law 111-

296 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.

Nutrition Education and Promotion

The school system shall teach, encourage, and support healthy eating and wellness habits by


  1. The primary goal of nutrition education is to teach the skills that will positively influence

students’ eating behaviors.

  1. During the school day, the school system will promote healthy eating habits throughout

the school environment as defined by Nutrition Standards for All Food Sold in School by

the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (e.g. cafeteria, a la carte, snack bars/school

stores, classroom snacks, ASP snacks, vending, non-exempt fundraising).

  1. The school system will promote nutrition education consistent with federal and state

laws, standards, and regulations.

  1. The lunchroom menu will model well-balanced meals.
  1. Consistent nutrition messages will be reinforced throughout the school, classroom,

cafeteria, home, community, and media.

  1. School-based marketing will be consistent with nutrition education and health promotion

that allow marketing and advertising of only those foods and beverages that meet smart

snacks in school nutrition standards.

Physical Education and Physical Activity Goals

The school system will provide a program of physical education consistent with federal and

state laws, standards, and regulations.

  1. The primary goal of the physical activity component in each school is to provide

opportunities for every student to develop the knowledge and competencies necessary

to perform a variety of motor skills through physical activity, maintain physical fitness,

regularly participate in physical activity, and understand the short- and long-term

benefits of physical activity as it relates to healthy living.

  1. Students will be given opportunities for physical activity during the school day through

daily recess periods (grades K-5), as well as, required and elective physical education (PE) classes (all grades).

  1. Students will be encouraged to be involved in physical activity in the community, school

sponsored events, and extracurricular activities including cooperative and competitive


  1. Recreational facilities are safe, clean, and accessible for all students.

Nutrition Standards

  1. The School Nutrition Program will provide reimbursable school meals that comply with

nutrition standards set forth under relevant federal, state, and local regulations.

Students will be provided a choice of menus or items within required food selections in

all schools and may refuse some food items offered.

  1. Nutrition standards for all foods sold to students on school campuses during the school

day shall comply with Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (see Form EEE-2).

  1. The school should promote an overall school environment that encourages students to

make healthy food choices.

Other School-Based Activities

Schools should consider local wellness goals when developing classroom strategies and

planning all school-based activities, including after-school programs, field trips, dances,

assemblies, classroom parties, and other school events that provide consistent wellness

messages conducive to healthy eating and a physically active lifestyle. Therefore schools


  1. Promote and encourage alternatives to food as a reward or punishment.
  1. Refrain from withholding physical activity or recess for low-level disciplinary reasons.
  1. Encourage opportunities for physical activities outside of recess and physical education.
  1. Provide a clean and safe meal environment.
  1. Encourage healthy eating during any class celebrations, classroom snacks brought by

parents or other foods given as incentives.


  1. Schools shall establish and maintain a Local School Wellness Committee to incorporate

input of stakeholders including the public, students, and health and physical education

professionals. The annual goal of the Local School Wellness Committee will support this

Regulation and the school’s wellness plan governing wellness for students.

  1. The Local School Wellness Committee will assess the school’s physical activity, healthy

eating, and overall school-wellness initiatives to develop the school’s wellness plan.

  1. To improve communication with the public and support the school wellness initiatives,

information on nutrition, physical activity and physical education shall be made available

through student folders, newsletters, websites, school-sponsored activities, bulletin

boards, or other appropriate home-school communications.

  1. Each school shall establish a designee(s) to measure and monitor implementation of this

Rule annually by utilizing the standard instrument developed by the District Wellness

Policy Committee (See Form EEE-1).

  1. The principal or designee will maintain records including receipts, nutrition labels, and

product specifications for competitive foods.

  1. The principal will support the School Wellness Representative and the Local School

Wellness Committee to fulfill the school’s wellness plan.

  1. The superintendent or designee will conduct an assessment of the wellness policy every

3 years at a minimum to determine compliance and progress made in attaining goals.

Assessment will be made available to the public through appropriate media including

posting on the district’s website.

Local Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment FY23

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  • 7454 Hwy 19 South, Zebulon, GA, 30295
  • Call: 770-567-8489
  • info@pike.k12.ga.us